Azumar Sphere #15
Weight 192 gr
- Freedom
- Communications
- Promotes self-expression
- Serenity and Inner-peace
- Clarity
Azumar or Ocean blue Quartz is a wonderful stone for healing and brightening the emotional body. It can aid in dispelling anger, envy, fear and stress, replacing them with serenity, enthusiasm, confidence and the feeling of being enveloped within an atmosphere of love. This stone is a calming stone which also protects from negativity. It is an uplifting stone which can aid to lift depression and restore hope, happiness and peace. As a a stone of insight and communication, Azumar allows one to penetrate to the heart of matters, and it enhances one's ability to eloquently express one's deepest truth. Azumar also known as a stone of compassion, engendering one's innate capacity to understand and care for others.